Favorable technical opinion for the granting of release shedding and reuse of treated industrial wastewater

DOMUS prepares favorable Technical opinion for granting authorization Shedding and Reuse of Treated Industrial Wastewater, which is issued by the General Directorate of Environmental Health (DIGESA) This document is prerequisite to apply for Authorization Waste Discharge or Reuse Authorization granted by the National Water Authority (ANA). This authorization need to have an approval environmental instrument project and it must be issued when an industrial activity project considers shedding or reuse its industrial effluents on natural waterways (rivers, streams, sea, etc.) The professional team of DOMUS elaborates personalized documents regarding the redaction and time required. In addition, before delivering the final product reports are reviewed in detail to verify its quality.

Favorable technical opinion for the granting of release shedding and reuse of treated industrial wastewater

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Jr. Combate de Iquique 716, Urb. Cercado de Surco, Santiago de Surco.

Phone: (+ 511) 555 3013

Email: postmast@domusperu.com

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