Forestation, Reforestation and Revegetation

DOMUS has a carefully chosen group of forestry engineers with experience of forestry projects carried out for mining, petroleum and electricity companies, as well as government organizations. This experience covers extraction, transformation, marketing and reforestation.

In the research field, DOMUS professional and technical staff have worked in ecosystems as diverse as the dessert forests on the Pacific coast, forest relicts in the Andes and rain forests in the Amazon area; and have published articles about their work.

In the current context of globalization there is great concern and interest in protecting forests, which is why international standards demand that projects affecting forests have an effective rehabilitation plan.

As a response to current demands and backed by the experience of our professional staff, DOMUS provides forestry research services; advice on forestry; the drawing up and implementation of reforestation and/or revegetation plans; advice and revegetation using hydro-seeding; and training for hydro-seeding operators.